saft, saft, hallonsaft

I'm sorry again, but I'm awfully sick and my body doesn't really care about writing right now. I'll give you a picture of today's breakfast.

Looks tasty, right? Fred ut!

what's barney been drinking, that girl was smokin' hot

I just wanted to say that tomorrow is the day...tomorrow I will download all the stuff I've been missing out on the past nineteen days. It will be legend, wait for it...DARY! Fred ut!

this is my united states of whatever

I'm so sorry my dear viewers. I know I haven't written in five days, but it's only because I don't have any internet in my apartment. As soon as I get some money I'm gonna buy a flashdrive which has internet on it, that's a promise! Unfortunately I don't have that much time right now, but I'll try to give you another update tomorrow. Tschüs for now, fred ut!

en dag försvann fru hurricane

I kick ass. I understood pretty much everything that my German teacher said today (she only speaks German, no English at all). Today me and Emil have been watching Taekwon-Do, which was interesting and then we went to the park to play, and Astrid came and got us from there when we were finished so we wouldn't have to take our bikes up the gigantic hill.

Emil always wants to take the stairs, which is fine for the first hundred-a hundred and fifty steps, but at the last eightyfive ones, it's hell. You see, at the last eightyfive steps, there aren't any sidethings where you're supposed to go with strollers. So I always have to carry both Emil's and my bike up those freakin' stairs. If I keep this on I'll probably be fit when I come home for Christmas, oh horrible faith.


deutschland, deutschland, deutschland! [ svulljull remix ]

This Saturday I was out and on the bus home, I fell down on the floor and hurt my ass. It was one of those seats that comes up if you stand up to do something. So after I had pushed the stopbutton I was on the floor, drunk, embarrassed and laughing.

Yesterday, the chain on "my" bike jumped (that's probably not at all how you say it in English), so Astrid had to come and get me and Emil after his gymnastics. I sat in the backseat holding the bike meanwhile she was driving as slow as she possibly could. I must have been quite a sight!

My Germanclass started yesterday and it was pretty fun, I hope I will learn a lot. All the other people had lived here for years and years though, and had picked up some of the language already. But hopefully I have an advantage 'cause I'm Swedish.

I dunno what to write anymore, so I'll see you tomorrow :) Fred ut!

I come from a land downunder

Yesterday I hurt my hand. Bad. It feels like it's broken, though I can move the finger above so there shouldn't be any problem of that sort. Oh, I gotta eat. See you guys later! Fred ut!

take a lot of pain

A little wisdom to all you movers and shakers out there: Don't go falling for a guy just weeks before moving to another country. It's not fun. Fred ut!

blixtrar prickar dig, hälsa till satan vi hörs

Today I took a walk through my new hometown, and got lost after about six minutes. After that I pretty much just strolled around looking for signs that looked familiar. All of them basically said the same thing. After walking around for an hour or so, I realized I had to pee. I just started walking up the mountains (I live very high up, right in front of some beautiful vineyards). After about twenty minutes, I was standing outside my door. I had to run into the bathroom 'cause I thought I was gonna burst. But I made it, don't worry :)

Later on, we went to pick up Emil from his gymnastics and went into town, where I signed up for a german class which starts next week, so hopefully I'll be fluent in german soon, haha!

Now I gotta eat, fred ut!

jag vill känna mig fri, fri, fri, det är min filosofi, fi, fi!

Hey guys! Look at me, blogging two days in a row, I deserve a freakin' medal! At least when you see how I've been behaving for the last few months...and the fact that I don't have any internet in my own apartment also makes this situation pretty spectacular!

I'm gonna eat some dinner in just a few minutes, so I can't really write anything of interest since I don't haev any real time, but tomorrow I'll tell you all about this place and he family and such. For now, I'll tell you that the family#s great, the landscape is amazing and the weather is to die for. Pretty freakin' awesome! Fred ut!

all the world I've seen before me passing by

Yesterday I moved to Germany...AND IT'S FREAKIN' AWESOME! Fred ut!

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